The abundant crop of fruit-high in vitamin C-is the source of jelly and jam as well as the basis for a potent liquor. 其果实产量丰富,且富含维他命C,可以用作果冻和果酱的原料,还可以用来酿造一种烈酒。
The spatiotemporal scaling effect of crop evapotranspiration ( ET) is a scientific basis for efficient water using and water saving management. 作物腾发量(ET)的时空尺度效应是作物高效用水调控与节水灌溉管理中需面对的基础科学问题。
Crop germplasm is an important material basis for breeding and agricultural production. Germplasm creation is the core of germplasm study. 作物种质资源是育种和生产重要的物质基础,种质创新是种质资源研究的核心。
With different input into the model investigation is made of cold irrigation effect on the crop population structures and irrigative schemes, thus providing theoretical basis for the management of such rice growth. 通过对模型的不同输入,模拟了不同天气条件,不同水稻群体结构以及不同灌溉方案下的冷灌效应,对低温敏水稻冷繁技术的生产实施具有指导意义。
The analysis and evaluation of genetic diversity among crop inbred lines are the basis of heterosis breeding and cross breeding. 作物自交系间遗传差异的分析与评价是杂种优势育种和杂交育种成功的基础。
The sensitivity of crop seedlings to SO2 could be used as an identified basis; 作物幼苗期对SO2的敏感性可以作为其对SO2的抗性反应的鉴别依据。
Leaf color is usually used in the diagnosis of crop N status, and leaf color threshold ( LCT) is the basis for precise fertilizer-N application. 叶色是氮素营养诊断最常用的指标,获得准确的叶色诊断指标是水稻精确定量施氮的基础。
Researches on the spatial variability and the quantification of the crop information can provide basis for the precision farming. 对作物信息进行空间结构性和定量化研究为精确农业的实施提供了必要的技术支撑。
Crop water information collection is the basis of precision irrigation decision-making, and advanced, reliable monitoring equipments is a key of collecting crop water information continuously, quickly, and precisely. 实现自动、精准灌溉,需要获得及时、准确的作物水分状况信息作为基本依据,而先进、可靠的采集技术与设备则是快速、准确、连续获取作物水分信息的重要保障。
Sensibility of Crop to water deficit is the basis for irrigation scheduling under limited water supply. 在灌溉水资源不足时,作物对水分亏缺的敏感性是确定最优灌溉制度的基础。
The mechanism of SDD model for estimating crop yield is discussed on the basis of thermal infrared information, and the function relation between dry material accumulation of crop and thermal infrared information is analysed. That the model has a fair theory basis is proved. 本文讨论了以热红外信息为基础的SDD作物估产模式的机理,分析了作物干物质积累量和热红外信息的函数关系,证明该模式具有一定的理论基础。
Interaction between community reestablishment, species pool of the community and crop ecosystem is one important aspect of theoretical basis of conserving and utilizing natural enemies. 群落重建与种库、群落本身和作物生态系统的相互作用关系,是保护利用自然天敌的理论基础之一。
Whether or not allow the commodities of the previous crop years to be a substitute should be determined on the basis of the principles of spot market and the futures market. 跨年度交割品是否可以交剖,应在现货市场基础上,结合期货市场运行规律来确定。
A Group Decision Support System for Crop Composition and Distribution on the Basis of Web GIS 基于WebGIS的作物布局群决策支持系统的实现途径研究
NKJ-1 model crop drought resistance identification instrument was manufactured on the basis of continuous rising temperature conductance method ( CRTC). put forward first by Chen Yuquan etc. 依据陈毓荃等首次提出的连续升温电导法(CRTC),研制了NKJ-1型农作物抗旱性鉴定仪。
In the paper, the method for determining the deficit irrigation norm is put forward, by means of crop physiology ecology mutation characteristics, on the basis of calculating the soil water stress threshold value with optimum partitioning clustering method. 把最优分割聚类法应用到非充分灌溉条件下土壤水分胁迫阈值的计算,利用作物生理生态突变特征和最优分割理论,提出了确定非充分灌溉标准的方法。
The geographic information system ( GIS) of crop pest distribution in China was developed on the basis of the crop pest data collected in 2001 and 2002. The system includes a spatial database and an attribute database. 农作物疫情地理信息系统是基于2001、2002年全国农作物有害生物疫情普查开发的。该系统包括空间数据库和属性数据库两部分。
The development and use of the water resources are studied to meet demands of agricultural irrigation. Probe into an adjustment of crop's water-consuming process on the basis of satisfying crop's growing and saving water while getting high yield simultaneously. 通过研究水资源开发利用适应农业灌溉发展需求,探讨在满足农作物生长发育的基础上调整作物耗水变化过程,在获得高产的同时实现节水。
Crop germplasm resources are the material basis for human life and the precusor to the origin and astride development of agriculture. 作物种质资源是人类赖以生存的物质基础,是农业起源、跨跃式发展的前提。
Crop water requirement is the fundamental basis of water resources development and irrigation project planning, design, management. 作物需水量是水资源开发利用和灌排工程规划、设计、管理的基本依据。
Rice is the most important food crop. It is important to study the basis of rice genetic physiological under the climate warming conditions for the evaluation of high-temperature resources in rice varieties and guide high-temperature breeding and rice production. 水稻是我国最重要的粮食作物,研究气候变暖条件下水稻的的遗传生理基础,对评价耐高温品种资源、指导耐高温品种选育和水稻生产应用有重要意义。
If peasant household can plant grain crop and economic crop at the same time, they will decide proper proportion of grain crop and economic crop in order to income maximization, on the basis of market price and their comparative advantage. 如果农户同时或者可以同时种植粮食作物和经济作物,在市场一价原理的指引下,他们似乎可以根据市场价格和自己的比较优势确定粮食作物和经济作物的适当比例,通过市场交换获得最大收入。
Therefore, investigations on the process and mechanism of hydrothermal liquefaction of crop straws will not only provide a theoretical basis and fundamental data for the further development of straw biomass liquefaction technology, but also provide references for the effective utilization of other biomasses or organic wastes. 为此,开展农作物秸杆水热液化过程及机理的研究,不仅可为秸秆生物质水热液化技术的进一步开发提供理论依据和基础数据,而且可为其它生物质或有机质废弃物的有效利用提供参考。
Peanut is a vegetable oil and protein crop, widely cultivated in the world. The research of peanut germplasm resources is the basis work for breeding program. 花生是世界上广泛种植的油料和蛋白质作物,花生种质资源研究是育种工作的基础。
Use of heterosis is an important means to improve crop yield, and male sterility is the basis of heterosis effective utilization. 提高农作物产量的重要手段之一是杂种优势的利用,杂种优势能够有效利用的基础是雄性不育性。
Quantitative predicting the influence of dim light on crop growth and production is the basis of assessing the impact of the dim light event induced by climate change on crop production. 定量预测弱光对作物生长和产量的影响,是准确评估气候变化导致弱光天气事件对作物产量影响的基础。
Improving crop yields is built on the basis of a large number of chemical fertilizers, pesticides and other substances. Due to the low utilization rate of these harmful substances, a large proportion of them eventually was deposited in the soil. 农作物产量的提高是建立在大量施用化肥、农药等物质的基础上,由于这些有害物质利用率低,他们中的一大部分最终沉积在土壤中。
Potassium, as an essential agricultural fertilizer, is not only an important guarantee for improving crop production, but also a basis for ensuring our food security and sustained development. 钾肥作为一种必不可少的农业肥料,不仅是提高农作物产量的重要保障,还是保证我国粮食安全及国民经济持续发展的基础。
Crop germplasm enhancement is the key factor for effective utilization of germplasm resource and the basis for breeding project. 种质创新是作物种质资源有效利用的前提和关键,是顺利开展作物遗传育种工作的基础和保证。
Strengthening of climate warming on the impact of rice and corn production research, not only related to national food security, the continuation of economic and regional planning for agricultural cultivation and crop production and government departments to provide the scientific basis of decision-making. 加强气候变暖对水稻和玉米生产影响的研究,不仅关系到国家粮食的安全、经济的延续,也为农业种植区域规划和作物生产和政府部门的决策提供科学依据。